There are many reasons that toothache can occur and as adults, we’re more prone to managing it better than children. Toothache isn’t just restricted to adults. It is important that as a parent, you’re aware of the common causes of toothache in children.
Toothache in children is a throbbing pain that is commonly caused by tooth decay and gum disease. However, there are many other causes. Like how it is difficult to understand the common causes of toothache in adults, children are also in the same boat.
Whilst it is important that you’re prepared to visit the emergency dentist as soon as your child feels pain in the mouth, there may be occasions where a dentist may not always be available. Therefore, being clued up on the common toothache causes can help you prepare for remedies for toothache pain relief in children.
Is Your Child’s Tooth Decayed?
Tooth decay is the breakdown of the enamel. When teeth decay, it leads to dental cavities and more likely a dental filling will be required. Children commonly eat foods that they enjoy but unknowingly leads to oral health problems. Foods such as sodas, sugary treats, cake, fruit juices and cereals contribute to bacteria forming in the mouth. This forms plaque on teeth leading to bacteria. If your child experiences sensitivity and if there is a light brown colour forming at the centre of the tooth, its likely to be a cavity. A cavity can become deeper if not treated, decaying teeth further.
Has Your Child’s Filling Fallen Out?
A filling is a foreign object in the mouth applied to fill a cavity. Sometimes, naturally, a filling can become dislodged or fall off. This is common with children. When a filling falls out, the decay is exposed. Your child will likely to feel a sharp pain when eating hot or cold foods. Whilst it’s not a major emergency, dentists do treat it as essential because children are not able to manage any pain themselves. The filling will typically be replaced by the dentist.
Has Your Child’s Tooth Been Knocked Out?
If a tooth has been knocked out from the child’s mouth entirely, it’s more likely to be a result of a physical accident. The dentist will not recommend to re-implant the knocked-out tooth back into its socket. This is because the growth of adult teeth will be affected. However, at times, a milk tooth can be dislodged, and this doesn’t necessarily mean the adult tooth will erupt (or grow) straightaway. Visiting the dentist when the tooth has been knocked out requires immediate dental advice.
Is Food Stuck In Between Teeth Causing Pain?
When teeth are straight, it is unlikely that food can get stuck. However, there are times when this does happen. There is potential for this to be painful, especially when biting down on foods. This is likely to be because of a cavity. Cavities form near to the tooth pulp and lead to pain until you seek professional dental advice. Foods such as popcorn, seeds and meat are likely to become lodged in teeth.
Kids are regularly active. Whilst this is a good thing, sometimes it can lead to an accident leading to toothache emergencies. An emergency dentist may not always be available, and children will not be at the right age to manage the pain themselves. Luckily, there are some safe temporary home remedies that can limit toothache in children before visiting the dentist. Don’t forget to check out what these are.
If you’re seeking an emergency dentist in your area, contact us now and we’d be happy to help you.