Now that you’re aware of the consequences to your oral health with poor oral hygiene (with oral cancer being one of many), it is time that you improve it if it is not up to scratch and if you’re experiencing concerns with your teeth and gums. If not, you will require emergency dental treatment.
It isn’t difficult to look after your teeth, but sometimes it is neglected far too often and when it’s too late, concerns begin to become apparent. If this is you, then you need to improve your oral hygiene.
We all know the basic fundamentals of oral hygiene such as brushing and flossing twice a day, avoid dark solids and liquids where you can, avoid alcohol and tobacco and regularly rinsing the mouth. Although, there are many hidden steps that can really enhance the look and feel or your teeth.
Adopting positive oral hygiene stems from the following steps, that you should adopt in your routine if you want your teeth to shine brightly when you smile.

Use A Soft-Bristle Brush
If you’re using a hard brush, then you need to replace it with a tooth-friendly, soft bristle brush. Whilst harder brushes may scrub off stains easier, you’re likely to damage your teeth over time. There have never been any theories to back the myth that you need to brush your teeth vigorously. You’re damaging your teeth and gums by doing that. Brush your teeth gently and in a circular motion between the teeth and the gums.
Eat Teeth Whitening Foods
Believe it or not, there are actually foods that are tooth-friendly and can also whiten your teeth. Raw fruit and vegetables which contain fibre such as celery, cucumber, carrots, lettuce and pears act as tooth cleaners and can remove plaque that is accumulated from a meal. These foods also produce saliva, a vital defence to neutralize acids and fight off bacteria. Avoid these foods for a healthy mouth.
Start Using Mouthwash
The use of mouthwash should not be underestimated. When brushing and flossing, rinse your mouth with antimicrobial mouthwash to kill off any oral bacteria cells and stimulate saliva. You’re also replenishing tooth enamel. Your dentist can recommend the best mouthwash to use.
Hold Off Brushing After Consuming Sugar And Citrus
If you’ve eaten something sugary or with citrus, it is important that you hold off from brushing your teeth straightaway. Brushing straightaway after eating these properties can actually spread to your enamel. You’re then more likely to increase chances of decay. It is recommended that you brush at least 30 to 60 minutes, because it is then easier to remove the properties off your teeth once they settle in the mouth.
Use Fluoride Toothpaste
Dentists will always recommend using toothpaste that contains fluoride properties. Fluoride is a mild abrasive property that helps to protect enamel erosion and bacteria build-up leading to an acid attack. When bacteria start to build up in the mouth, you’re likely to experience cavity and potential tooth decay. This is what’s known as demineralization.

Keeping these extra tips in mind within your oral hygiene routine will keep your teeth strong and shiny without the need for cosmetic treatments. Although, cosmetic treatments such as teeth whitening are safe and help to lighten the shade of your teeth, these extra tips cost next to nothing and it promises to keep your teeth clean and healthy. If you prefer to go through the cosmetic route, in-chair whitening treatment is recommended.
Book your check-up at your local dentist today. Contact us today and we’d be happy to help.