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Invisalign And Braces

Your Information Guide to Invisalign and Braces

Everybody’s dream is for perfectly straight and white teeth. Not everybody is blessed with this and this can stem from a number of reasons; a lack of oral care, genetics and childhood habits.

This doesn’t mean there isn’t a solution to these troubles. Investing in newly-designed dental braces or clear aligners, professionally known as Invisalign, can fix these misalignment issues to make way for a straight shiny smile you’ve been dreaming of.

Back in the day, traditional metallic braces were the only viable solution to straighten teeth. A common symptom of this is teeth becoming stained. This is one reason why not everybody liked to wear them.

Now, advanced dental technology has made way for a new simple and shiny approach. If you’re seeking a solution to your smile, new dental braces and Invisalign clear aligners are something you need to know about.

In this guide, you will learn everything about dental braces and Invisalign aligners from procedures, fittings, costings and other cosmetic areas you need to know.


What Are Dental Braces?

Dental braces are used to fix misaligned teeth and jaws to straighten your smile. The average age of those who get braces is typically in the early teenage years.

There are many benefits with a straight smile. Not only does a straight smile look aesthetically pleasing, they also boost self-confidence, self-esteem and makes your teeth easier to look after.

Most importantly, for optimum oral health and positive oral hygiene habits, the upper and lower teeth need to fit together. This is known as Occlusion where the upper teeth should fit slightly over the lower teeth. Where this doesn’t happen and teeth are out of alignment, this is known as Malocclusion.

When suffering Malocclusion, the symptoms are an abnormal bite, rotation of teeth and overbite.

Therefore, dental braces will be applied to ensure your teeth and jaws are aligned accordingly to avoid Malocclusion.

When Would I Need Dental Braces?

Below are the common reasons why dental braces would be administered:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Misalignment of teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Wisdom teeth causing crowded teeth
  • Abnormal bite and overbite
  • Awkward jaw positioning

Types Of Dental Braces

There are several types of dental braces that the dentist would recommend improving occlusion of teeth and to ensure of a straight smile. There are unique benefits within each one. Therefore, the dentist will be best placed to determine which of the following dental braces are appropriate to deliver an attractive smile.

  • Metal Braces – Metal braces are the most commonly used. They are made out of stainless steel and are attached to the front of the teeth, slowly altering the position of teeth with little to no discomfort.
  • Ceramic Braces – Ceramic braces are made out of ceramic material and are very similar to traditional braces with regards to the positioning of the teeth. They are less visible and hence more preferred. However, more care is required because the ceramic material is more delicate.
  • Lingual Braces – Lingual braces are made out of metal fitted to the inside, or behind the teeth. This means these types of braces are not visible. On average, they take longer to align teeth and are difficult to clean when brushing.
  • Clear Aligners – Clear aligners are removable, customised braces that are different from traditional braces in the sense of not being made with brackets and wires. They are made out of removable plastic that straighten teeth and reduce the spacing between teeth.

How Do Traditional Braces Work?

Traditional braces have been around for a considerably long time and have been the most effective in applying constant pressure to the front of teeth (depending on the type of braces you choose) and gradually press the teeth backwards. Your jaw shape also adapts to the pressure. In time, the teeth will position itself further back and be placed in a suitable position.

In summary, that’s how it works, but how does it perform this?

Traditional braces contain these specific components which work hand-in-hand to deliver a straight smile.

Orthodontic Bands The bands are placed around the brackets to apply the pressure on the jaw needed to straighten the teeth. Elastics Elastics can be attached to a few of the brackets if further pressure is needed to move the upper and lower teeth. The elastics ensure this happens to both the upper and lower teeth together to improve your bite and positioning. Arch Wires Arch wires are metal fittings around the brackets to exert pressure to reposition teeth in its correct alignment. If greater movement is applied, these can be replaced. Brackets The brackets are bonded to each tooth and are the building blocks to move teeth. Each tooth has a bracket that allows the arch wire to move the teeth into the required positions. There are a variety of different materials available. Coil Spring The coil spring can be placed onto the arch wire applied between the teeth. This provides a space between teeth that are too close together sufficiently as it straightens in its correct position. Ligature Elastic The small elastic bands attaches the arch wire to the braces.


How Can You Benefit From Orthodontic Treatment?

Do you suffer from the dental problems we have picked out? Orthodontic treatment and dental braces would be a big benefit to transform your smile and straighten your teeth. Not only from an aesthetic point of view but also for long-term oral health.

Here are some other benefits you could experience from dental braces:

  • Correction of Bite – Those that suffer from malocclusion are more likely to do damage to their oral health compared to those who don’t. A bad bite means the jaws aren’t aligned in the correct positions. This means the upper and lower teeth won’t rest in its appropriate position. Dental braces reverse this to preserve your oral health.
  • Jaw Realignment – Dental braces are inclined to straighten the jaw appropriately for a smooth bite.
  • Reduction of Gaps – Teeth can naturally grow in awkward positions leading to gaps in your smile. Dental braces can be used to close gaps between teeth.
  • Less Overcrowding – Those that suffer from overcrowding are more likely to do damage to their teeth through active mouth functioning, particularly when chewing on foods. A number of teeth may need removal through tooth extraction treatment to make way for teeth to be straightened naturally.

Who Can Wear Dental Braces?

Orthodontic treatments cater to kids as well as adults. When kids’ teeth grow, there is always time for their teeth to naturally position itself. There is no age restriction for dental braces to be worn.

There will be a time where teeth stop growing. Therefore, the only possibility is to realign teeth to straighten your smile. Dental braces are a favourable choice to do this.

How Are Dental Braces Different To Invisalign?

In terms of the end result, there isn’t much of a difference. Although, in terms of appearance, there are noticeable differences.

Invisalign are more transparent and as clear aligners, they are difficult to notice when worn in the mouth.

With clear braces, the brackets are placed onto the teeth and are noticeable when you smile.

Dental braces are also applied to your teeth permanently until the teeth have straightened enough for them to be removed. Invisalign clear aligners are removable and should only be worn for a certain number of hours during the day.


What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is considered one of the faster and more efficient treatments to straighten teeth. Invisalign is the dentistry term given to clear removable aligners that are transparent retainers that can be worn in public.

The aligners are specially manufactured as removable aligners for every patient depending on the structure of their mouth. In time, the teeth will re-align to the desired position for a smooth bite and for the upper and lower teeth to clench down in its correct position.

Invisalign vs Dental Braces – The Breakdown

Invisalign has become more popular over recent years. Traditional braces can pose more challenges compared to Invisalign. Such as:

  • Traditional braces cover parts of the teeth making it challenging to brush and smile. As a result, teeth can become yellow and stained.
  • Early stages of the cavity can form because food can be trapped.
  • The potential increase of gum disease due to difficulty of brushing teeth with traditional braces.

In summary, wearing Invisalign clear aligners will mean that you won’t have any of these problems. Although, this doesn’t mean Invisalign is the way forward as the clear aligners can also provide some drawbacks.




Here are some further pros and cons about Invisalign.

The Good The Bad
Keeps teeth thoroughly clean An expensive form of treatment
Removable to allow teeth to be cleaned Chance of experiencing sensitivity
No lasting effect to speaking and chewing Regular cleaning of mouth and braces after food
Maximum of one year to straighten teeth   Takes time to adjust to speaking clearly
Blends in with surrounding teeth May experience gum irritation and sensitivity

One of the key reasons why Invisalign are a better choice is because of its anonymity. The aligners are constructed in clear material and blend in with surrounding teeth, meaning when worn in public, they are unnoticeable when you smile.


Invisalign and Dental Braces – Cost Factors in Australia

There are many factors to consider when making an informed choice between Invisalign and dental braces. None more so than cost determination factors.

  • Choosing Invisalign Aligners
    • Invisalign is considered more expensive compared to traditional dental braces
  • Geographic Location
    • Metropolitan areas such as inner Sydney may cost higher in Australia.
  • Healthcare Insurance
    • Long-term health plan members will pay less for treatment.
  • Number of Issues
    • If multiple teeth are malformed and have further defects, this may prove more costly compared to where teeth simply require re-positioning.

Below are the average costs associated with braces and Invisalign.

Treatment Stages Average Cost
Initial Consultation (examination and treatment needs) $60-$80
Material Fitting
(Metal, Ceramic, Lingual, Invisalign)
Invisalign Minor Treatment
Full Treatment


For more information on Braces, Aligners and Invisalign treatment and helpful tips, visit our blog page.