The trigger of periodontal disease forming is dental plaque building underneath the gum line. Plaque contains bacteria, and the more it penetrates your gums, the higher the chance of infection, which can spread to your bone as well. This can naturally lead to a dental emergency.
How can you prevent periodontal disease? By performing a strong oral routine every single day. Your lifestyle plays a vital role in your oral health.
Below outlines the five tips that can help prevent periodontal disease from forming.
Brush And Floss Your Teeth
This may be a simple tip, but it is also vital. What is most vital about it is how you brush and floss your teeth. First, you must use a soft-bristle toothbrush. The bristles are designed to accumulate bacteria from your teeth and gums, but they can only accumulate if you use the right brushing technique. Flossing also helps to remove any food particles that become stuck in between teeth that your toothbrush cannot get to. Consult your dentist on the best brushing technique for maximum results.
Book In Regular Check-Ups
The dentist is best placed to determine the state of your oral health. Any concerns can be eradicated through a scale and polish, especially if there are signs of gum disease. Sometimes, you need to go beyond brushing and flossing for a deeper clean. The dentist knows what they’re looking for regarding gum disease signs and can offer oral health advice to keep the risk low. If the dental plaque and tartar build-up are severe, scaling and root planing may be considered.
Keep Your Mouth Clean
Drinking water not only helps to keep the mouth clean but also helps boost your saliva levels. Saliva is an important tool that aids in the digestion of food and keeps your mouth moist. This means your mouth is regularly cleansed, helping to keep dental plaque levels low.
Stop Smoking
Smoking is a major culprit for periodontal disease. Smokers tend to build up more levels of tartar. This may eventually lead to infection in your gums. The bone structure will also become weaker, potentially leading to tooth loss.
Did you know that stress can also cause periodontal disease? The reason for this is the lack of attention paid to your oral health. This can cause you to perform bad dental habits, not keep your mouth clean, eat comfort food containing sugars and avoid brushing your teeth at night. This will cause bacteria to penetrate easier, increasing the risk of periodontal disease.
If you carry a healthy immune system, along with a strong oral routine, the chances of you catching periodontal disease are very low. Follow the above tips as part of your lifestyle to prevent periodontal disease and watch your pearly whites shine for longer.
If you’re due a check-up, we can help you locate your local dentist. Contact us here today and we’d be happy to help.